Animal Justice Party – Increasing the vote for those who give animals a voice

Impact Areas
Social Justice

Campaign Design
Publication Design


Animal Justice Party (AJP) is the only political party in Australia dedicated to protecting all animals. To increase the party’s votes, AJP needed to reach animal lovers. People who care about companion animals and wildlife; who want live exports banned; and who want to see improved factory farm conditions.

We were engaged by AJP to design its Federal Election Policy Booklet,  ensuring the messaging engaged the party’s main audience. We also developed a two-page DL brochure and a six-page DL brochure summarising the booklet’s content.

To maintain consistency across AJP’s campaign materials, the designs were aligned across all visual elements. This ensured a unified brand presence and communicated the party’s messaging throughout its election campaign.

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Animal Justice booklet, editorial

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The booklet strategically placed animals, people and the planet at the forefront of the design. Beautiful imagery featuring animals and nature was chosen to foster an emotional connection and to reinforce AJP’s commitment to animal welfare and environmental protection. 

By highlighting the shared relationship between humans and animals, the booklet resonated with voters’ inherent empathy and concern for the wellbeing of all living beings. Subtle illustrations of animal footprints reinforced this feeling through design. 

By incorporating quotes from potential senate candidates, the design also humanised the AJP and created a deeper connection with its readers. Including personal statements and thoughts from candidates allowed voters to understand the genuine passion and dedication of the party’s representatives.

Animal Justice Brochure, created by Design Studio in Melbourne

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